Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm Voting McCain

A friend just sent this to me, and perhaps it should be called "I'm voting McCain" for I don't really like lumping all Republicans into his beliefs, but nevertheless this puts out a truthful (albeit satirical) message. Fave part: "If the label says it's food, that's good enough for me!"

What's the difference between Palin and Muslim fundamentalists? Lipstick!

No Roe v. Wade, no health insured birth control, no sex education in schools to prevent teen pregos, no Title X for the broke young moms! SHAME!!

Register now.
(Deadline in NYC is October 10th.)

Vote Obama 11.04.08 (Duh!)

Register now.
(Deadline in NYC is October 10th.)

Vote Obama 11.04.08

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love this video... Here's another that's similar we did...
watch Bad Predictions...