Tuesday, February 10, 2009

VDAY: What's the V stand for again?

I'm not one to really buy into the Valentine's Day hype of cheesy heart-shaped boxes of cheap chocolates, but I love to make things for people at any occasion, especially my most special person. I found these simple vegan Vday treats made by The Discerning Brute and Todd Oldham, and thought they were shareable (though I'd probably still put some real butter and milk in that cake! I come from the Paula Dean school of thought!)

DBTV Valetine Special: TODD OLDHAM HEARTS YOU from The Discerning Brute on Vimeo

After that I got to thinking about Todd and his House of Style days, but couldn't find any real crafty tips. I did find clips from his more recent show, the total snore, Handmade Modern, including this hilarious one where Amy Sedaris appears to be making Todd nervous while terrible muzak plays over their craftmaking:

Then this lead me to Amy's appearance on Chelsea Lately to promote her book, I Like You, where she (along with Todd) give Vday a whole new meaning.


Liz said...

i really love you blog title photo. Desolate, lonely winter.

thehistoryofmyfuture said...

thanks. i took it in west virginia. i think those words describe the majority of that state pretty well.